IDRiM2022 Conference
The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT
Online conference, 21-23 September 2022
Latest updates:
The IDRiM2022 Book of Abstracts is available!
Last update: 26.09.2022
The final program of the IDRiM2022 Conference is available!
Last update: 22.09.2022
Detailed instructions for the Young Scientists Session (YSS) is available
The evaluation sheet is available to evaluate the presentations of young scientists!
About IDRiM2022
Critical steps for research and practice in disaster risk management in the age of climate change and COVID-19 pandemics
Historically, South-Eastern European (SEE) nations have faced numerous disasters, such as destructive earthquakes, floods, wildfires, landslides, etc. and technological accidents, often affecting bordering countries. Furthermore, due to the effects of the climate change, an increase in the number and intensity of weather-related complex disasters is expected. In developing SEE countries, with high social and economic vulnerability and, at the same time, low focus on prevention and preparedness activities, there is an urgent need for cooperation in the region between scientists, experts, practitioners and national authorities to deal with both slow and rapid-onset disasters.
The main objective of the IDRiM2022 conference is to showcase research, discuss case studies, and address urgent problems within the field in SEE countries and other countries around the world.
IDRiM2022 will be hosted by Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Research Institute for Sustainability and Disaster Management based on High Performance Computing and Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering.

important Dates
Call for abstracts (Abstracts, special sessions, poster, oral presentations, Young Scientist Session)
Pre-registration starts
Registration starts
Early-bird conference fee
*Papers submitted for the YSS will have three publication options, including an option to submit your papers before the conference with a guaranteed fast track review process. you find more information here.
Call For Papers
We invite all presenters including early-career scientists and students to consider submitting papers based on work presented at the IDRiM2022 conference, to be published in the following journals:
- Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management – the official Journal of the IDRiM Society
- International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
- Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Conference Registration fee
Students enrolled in a college or university at any level (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral) can register as a student for the reduced Conference Fee.
IDRiM Membership
IDRiM Members will pay a reduced conference registration fee.
To claim the reduced IDRiM members’ fee, it is necessary first to pay the IDRiM Membership fee. To pay the fee, click here.
Please note that the IDRiM Membership fee has to be paid separately from the Conference fee. Link to the payment of the Conference fee will be provided shortly!
IDRiM membership fees*:
Existing IDRiM members: 10,000JPY (70 EUR)
New IDRiM members: 5,000JPY (35 EUR)
Existing IDRiM Student members: 5,000JPY (35 EUR)
New IDRiM Student members: 2,500JPY (17 EUR)
* The IDRiM Membership fee will be paid in Japanese Yen, therefore the amount expressed in EURO is indicative and can alter based on the exchange rates.