IDRiM 2023 Conference Video Competition

Video submissions are invited from students and young professionals on the themes/ sub-themes IDRiM 2023 Conference Integrated DRR for Inclusive Sustainable Development: Science, Policy, and Practice Dialogues (InSPIRE-Dialogue), which could range from local to global challenges and the possible innovative solutions to achieve those challenges.


  • The video competition is open to Students/research scholars from all over the world.
  • Students can collaborate in groups or submit their work individually.


  • The video submissions are intended to showcase possibilities of enhanced Disaster response through Science, Policy, and Practice.
  • Videos must be in a format acceptable for YouTube
  • Videos should be of approximately 180 seconds in length
  • Video resolution needs to be HDTV resolution, 1080p (1920×1080 pixels, 16:9 aspect ratio)
  • All entries should preferably be submitted in English. If a submission is in a language other than English, English subtitles must be included.
  • Each video must start with a 5-second Introduction that contains the following details:
    • Lead Producer’s name
    • University name
    • University city, state/country
    • Title of video
    • Total running time (not including 5-second title screen)
  • The video content must be originally created by students, except third-party content for which the rightful owner has granted permission, in writing. All information presented in the video must be cited, giving credit to the original source. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification.
  • The winner will be decided based on the content, clarity, effectivity, and innovation of the video and the solution proposed.


An award will be given to the winner of the competition during IDRIM 2023 Conference, along with a 50{bc0322f171d003154166261d525759462dce138ae6969645a1c9ab73b2f381de} concession on the Conference registration fee. Additionally, the top five presenters’ videos will be showcased during the IDRiM 2023 Conference.


  • Create a video, and upload your video on YouTube.
  • The title of the video should follow this format:Team name_Video title
  • Submit the forms as well as the YouTube link by email at:

WINNING CRITERIA (for evaluators)

  1. Content

o Did the video address the theme of the IDRiM 2023 Conference?

o Was the information clear and well expressed?

  1. Creativity

o Was there an unexpected or innovative use of video that enhanced the power of the video’s message? (Creativity of execution)

o Did the message provide a new perspective/ solution? (Creativity of idea)

o Did the total video presentation display a combined innovative use of design, materials, and ideas? (Creativity of total product)

  1. Overall effectiveness of delivery

o Was there one key message that was clearly stated?

o How engaging was the message?